Activity B - Animals and their environments
Learn about the environment of different animals around the world.
Incorporate Starfish 'Storytelling' options into lesson plans.
Please Click HERE to download an excellent teaching resource published by the Lilongwe Wildlife Trust as part of their Eco Schools Malawi programme to discover more about wildlife conservation and welfare in Malawi.
Classroom Activities
There are numerous activities listed below to help you create fun and informative lessons learning about animals around the world.
Once you've worked out what's best for your class please make sure you complete a Case Study of your findings and send it to us to help us improve our service to you and the children.
Suggested Lessons:
Group discussion: Discuss different habitats in which animals live around the world e.g. hot countries, cold countries (Arctic), jungle, savannah.
Teacher to ask learners class to imagine what it would be like for them to live in the Arctic (download here). How they would feel if they were a polar bear in Malawi? Do they think they would survive? Why do they think this?
Discuss the key differences between domestic and wild animals around the world. Pictures are available to download here for each group (repeated in Activity A).
Animals and their environments - Useful Links
Storytelling: Chose from over 30 Malawian children's stories. Many of which incorporate the use of domestic and wild animals to a deliver a message in a fun and creative way.