The importance of trees
Discuss and investigate the use made of trees in both countries. Why are they important? Compare and contrast findings the UK and Malawi. What does it tell us about our connection to the land? Can you also name the trees in your school grounds?
Biodiversity is the most common word used to describe the variety of life and it's habitats on earth. Our gentle web of eco systems that binds us all together is being stretched almost beyond repair in so many countries around the world. Please Click HERE to download another excellent teaching resource published by the Lilongwe Wildlife Trust as part of their Eco Schools Malawi programme. In this "Teachers Guide" you will find out how schools in Malawi are teaching their children to face up to tackling the challenges of their rapidly changing environment.
Classroom Activities
There are numerous activities listed below to help you create a fun and informative lesson about the importance of trees.
Find out all about the Baobab Tree (pictured above), and it's amazing fruit...
Suggested Lessons:
Identify and name the trees in your school grounds - Please link this to "Trees of Britain" and "Images of trees in Malawi." Do the same trees grow in each country?
Discuss nine reasons why trees are important - Choose 9 from this link: Click here
What do you think are the most important reasons? Separate the class into small groups to discuss for 10 minutes and do a diamond ranking exercise.
The Importance of Trees - Useful Links
Starfish TV - Useful Internet Videos
The importance of trees - (above - 5:32) Beautiful images showing trees and their immense value.
Negative impact of deforestation - (3:55) How nature is effected by deforestation especially evergreen species (powerful).
Soil erosion for kids - (6:29) Cartoon for kids about soil erosion.
Hear why kids love trees - (1:25) Children tell why.
Our world, our choice - (1:25) An overview of the impact of rainforest deforestation on it's inhabitants.
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