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Chikombola Junior primary School is one of the JP’s (Junior Primary Schools) in Salima. It is 10 km away from the Salima Township and about 19km away north of Lake Malawi.

The school was established in 1998.  The school has one block made of burnt bricks. This school block was built by MASAF (Malawi Social Action Fund). Besides this, the school has uses an infrastructure made of grass and wood. The school management starts from the Head teacher, School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then to the District Education Manager.

Chikombola School has 230 pupils in total who are in classes 1-4 only as compared to other schools which have classes 1-8.

Classes have students as follows:

Class 1:  41 Boys, 39 Girls.

Class 2:  30 Boys, 32 Girls.

Class 3:  20 Boys, 30 Girls.

Class 4:  20 Boys, 18 Girls.

The age range of the school is 5-14 because some children start going to school late or are repeating. However, this factor doesn’t disturb education system in Malawi.


Like any other school in Malawi, Chikombola School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, General Studies. In classes 4 and above pupils begin to learn life skills this mostly concerns HIV/ AIDS. Most explanatory is in Chichewa since children can not understand English well. However, children may be capable to speak English as one reaches 6-8 i.e. in their senior primary classes.

Chikombola School hopes to do all classes from 1-8. The school drop out rate of the school is also high as you can see from the data form, enrolment declines sharply as we go into the senior classes especially for girls. There are several reasons that contribute to this like long distances children have to walk to school, overcrowding in classes and high pupil teacher ratio among others. By having classes 1-8 will reduce the distances which children travel.


As a school, we want to be involved in the link so that we can learn from our friends in the UK especially in the developed countries. The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK. Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Linking Work

Lamberhurst, St Mary's Primary School

Pupils in Y3, 4 & 5 have designed and created colourful and fun maths games, including boxes and covers for the games. The aim was to help other pupils to learn their numbers, number bonds and times tables. The pupils were also asked to consider how the rules of their game could be displayed and understood by pupils who may not be able to speak/understand English

The games will be taken to Chikombola School by Gayle and Esther in October and used as part of their Linking lessons.


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Katitima 2

Katitima Full Primary School is 41 km away from Salima District headquarters.

The school was established in 1940 under Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. The school management starts from the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then to the District Education Manager. The school however belongs to the government school despite being established by the church.

Katitima School has 534 pupils in classes 1-8.

Classes have students as follows:

Class 1:  78 Boys, 83 Girls.

Class 2:  49 Boys, 51 Girls.

Class 3:  37 Boys, 44 Girls.

Class 4:  24 Boys, 21 Girls.

Class 5:  24 Boys, 35 Girls.

Class 6:  26 Boys, 21 Girls.

Class 7:  16 Boys, 17 Girls.

Class 8:  16 Boys, 10 Girls.

The age range of the pupils is 6-18 because some children start going to school late or repeat classes. Katitima School serves a wide distance of about 8 km in radius. Children have to walk long distances to the school. This enhances drop out rate which is high in the area.

Katitima 6

Like any other school in Malawi, Katitima School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, Science and General Studies. From classes 4 and above pupils begin to learn life skills in subjects such as health education Agriculture, Science, Home Economics and Creative arts. Most teaching is done in Chichewa in standard 1-4. However, children may be capable to speak English as they continue into the senior classes.

Katitima 4

At Katitima School, pupils do the some work such as building toilets. In the picture above pupils are moulding bricks for the toilets. The school has a dream to improve itself to be a better environment for learning. Meanwhile, infant section at the school learns under shades due to shortage of school blocks.

The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK.

Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.


Eco Schools Piggery

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Head Teacher: Mr Bernie Kasinje

Total number of pupils: 245 Boys & 215 Girls (450).

Age range of school: 5-16


The school is in a located in the northern part of Kasungu district in Malawi. It is a government school but with a local school management committee that assists the Headteacher on the day to day running of the schoolThe whole school management structure consists of the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then on professional matters the Head teacher reports to the District Education Manager.

Like any other primary school in Malawi, Kajendere School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, General Studies, Agriculture Home economics and Science.

A normal school Day starts quite early and is as follows:

07:00 - 07:30  - Pupils clean their classrooms and the surroundings

07:30 - 09:15  - Lessons start

09:15 - 09:25  - Break

09:25 - 11:10  - Lessons

11:10 - 11:20  - Break

11:20 - 13:05  - Lessons end

14:30 - 15:00  - Extra curriculum activities (playing football, athletics) after which children go home

(extra curriculum activities take place once or twice a week).

The School hopes that the link to a UK school will:

  • Enable the sharing ofexperiences about education between linked schools
  • The link will greatly assist children to understand the wider world after learning about life of their colleagues in the UK.
  • Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Head Teacher: Mrs Charity Mguntha.

Link Co-ordinator: Mr Benard Simbeye.

Total number of pupils: 454 boys: 217    girls: 237

Age range of school: 5-16

Class enrolment:

Standard 1:   46 Boys, 49 Girls.

Standard 2:  26 Boys, 32 Girls.

Standard 3:  33 Boys, 26 Girls.

Standard 4:  18 Boys, 32 Girls. 

Standard 5:  20 Boys, 30 Girls. 

Standard 6:  27 Boys, 30 Girls. 

Standard 7:  25 Boys, 26 Girls.

Standard 8:  22 Boys, 12 Girls.


The school is in a located in the southern part of Mzimba district in Malawi. It is a government school but with a local school management committee that assists the Headteacher on the day to day running of the schoolThe whole school management structure consists of the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then on professional matters the Headteacher reports to the District Education Manager.

Like any other primary school in Malawi, Kaufipa School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, General Studies, Agriculture Home economics and Science.

A normal school Day starts quite early and is as follows:

07:00 - 07:30  - Pupils clean their classrooms and the surroundings.

07:30 - 09:15  - Lessons start.

09:15 - 09:25  - Break.

09:25 - 11:10  - Lessons.

11:10 - 11:20  - Break.

11:20 - 13:05  - Lessons end.

14:30 - 15:00  - Extra curriculum activities (playing football, athletics) after which children go home.

(Extra curriculum activities take place once or twice a week).

The School hopes that the link to a UK school will:

  • Enable the sharing of experiences about education between linked schools.
  • The link will greatly assist children to work hard after learning about their colleagues in the UK.
  • Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Head Teacher: Mr Edward Banda.

Total number of pupils: 322 Boys & 353 Girls (675).

Age range of school: 5-16.

Class enrolment:

Standard 1:  74 Boys, 76 Girls.

Standard 2:  59 Boys, 55 Girls.

Standard 3:  45 Boys, 57 Girls.

Standard 4:  49 Boys, 51 Girls.

Standard 5:  30 Boys, 40 Girls.

Standard 6:  27 Boys, 33 Girls.

Standard 7:  28 Boys, 20 Girls.

Standard 8:  10 Boys, 21 Girls.

The school is in a located in the northern part of Kasungu district in Malawi. There are eight teachers at the school. It is a government school but with a local school management committee that assists the Headteacher on the day to day running of the schoolThe whole school management structure consists of the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then on professional matters the Headteacher reports to the District Education Manager.

Like any other primary school in Malawi, Kanthenga School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, General Studies, Agriculture Home economics and Science.

A normal school Day starts quite early and is as follows:

07:00 - 07:30  - Pupils clean their classrooms and the surroundings

07:30 - 09:15  - Lessons start

09:15 - 09:25  - Break

09:25 - 11:10  - Lessons

11:10 - 11:20  - Break

11:20 - 13:05  - Lessons end

14:30 - 15:00  - Extra curriculum activities (playing football, athletics) after which children go home

(Extra curriculum activities take place once or twice a week).

The School hopes that the link to a UK school will:

  • Enable the sharing ofexperiences about education between linked schools
  • The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK.
  • Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Msalura Community Secondary School, formerly Salima District Education Centre was established in 19. The School is 1.5 km away from Salima District Township and 25 Km away from Lake Malawi. Before, the school used to have a boarding facility for both boys and girls across Salima District.

The school has 24 teachers of which 9 are female and 15 male teachers.


Msalura is a school for both boys and girls. There is no boarding facility in the school such that students walk or cycle to school. However some of the teachers live in school campus.

The school has years 1-4 i.e. form one to four. Students that come to Msalura CDSS come from other linked Primary School under Starfish Malawi.

Subjects taught at Msalura CDSS are English, Maths, Chichewa, Geography, Physical Science, Geography, Social Studies, Commerce and Computer Studies.



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Chiluwa 2 Full Primary School is 49 km away from Salima District Assembly.

The school was established in 1983 under Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. The school management starts from the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then to the District Education Manager. The school however is a governmental school despite being established by the CCAP.

Chiluwa 2 School has 479 pupils in total who are in classes 1-8.

Classes have students as follows:

Class 1:  58 Boys, 46 Girls.

Class 2:  43 Boys, 48 Girls.

Class 3:  28 Boys, 16 Girls.

Class 4:  34 Boys, 41 Girls.

Class 5:  14 Boys, 17 Girls.

Class 6:  14 Boys, 21 Girls.

Class 7:  29 Boys, 18 Girls.

Class 8:  34 Boys, 24 Girls.

The age range of the school is 6-18 because some children start going to school late or are repeating. However, this factor doesn’t disturb education system in Malawi.

Chiluwa 2 School serves a distance of about 6 km in radius which is comprised of 19 villages.


Like any other school in Malawi, Chiluwa School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, and General Studies. In classes 4 and above pupils begin to learn life skills this mostly concerns HIV/ AIDS, Agriculture, Science, Home Economics, Creative arts. Most teaching is in Chichewa since children can not understand English well in standards 1-4. However, children may be capable to speak English as one reaches 6-8 i.e. in their senior primary classes.


Chiluwa School has a dream of completing the projects which the government failed to complete. Further more the school is struggling to find ways of having more children back to school. Despite all these, the school produces a good pass rate for the children who sit for their Primary School Leaving Examinations.  The communities surrounding the school moulded several bricks which are burnt ready to maintain existing old school blocks.

As a school, we want to be involved in the link so that we can learn from our friends in the UK especially in the developed countries. The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK. Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Head Teacher: Mr Alufeyo Maxwell Kaunda.

Total number of pupils227 Boys & 208 Girls (435).

Age range of school: 5-16

Class enrolment:

Standard 1:  61 Boys, 63 Girls.

Standard 2:  19 Boys, 26 Girls.

Standard 3:  29 Boys, 31 Girls.

Standard 4:  28 Boys, 21 Girls.

Standard 5:  31 Boys, 20 Girls.

Standard 6:  20 Boys, 22 Girls.

Standard 7:  14 Boys, 11 Girls. 

Standard 8: 25 Boys, 11 Girls.


The school is in a located in the northern part of Kasungu district in Malawi. There are seven teachers at the school. It is a government school but with a local school management committee that assists the Headteacher on the day to day running of the schoolThe whole school management structure consists of the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then on professional matters the Head teacher reports to the District Education Manager.

Like any other primary school in Malawi, Mkanakhoti School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, General Studies, Agriculture Home economics and Science.

A normal school Day starts quite early and is as follows:

07:00 - 07:30  - Pupils clean their classrooms and the surroundings.

07:30 - 09:15  - Lessons start.

09:15 - 09:25  - Break.

09:25 - 11:10  - Lessons.

11:10 - 11:20  - Break.

11:20 - 13:05  - Lessons end.

14:30 - 15:00  - Extra curriculum activities (playing football, athletics) after which children go home.

* Extra curriculum activities take place once or twice a week.

The School hopes that the link to a UK school will:

  • Enable the sharing ofexperiences about education between linked schools
  • The link will greatly assist children to understand the wider world after learning about life of their colleagues in the UK.
  • Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

Joint project: Water

This was a shared project between both schools - Holy Trinity and Mkanakhoti. We decided to undertake this project as we felt it was important for pupils at both schools to understand the ways in which we can conserve water.


We wanted pupils to learn from one another and share knowledge of how each country uses water.

We wanted the children to gain a better understanding of where water comes from and how we can reduce the consumption of water in the UK.

Case Study - Water Project


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Mchoka Local Education Primary School is 23 km away from Salima District Assembly. The school was established by local chiefs.

Mchoka Primary School head teacher is Mr Sailes Yenga and the link coordinator is Mr Fredrick Manjano.

The school management comprises of the Staff, School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then the District Education Manager.

Mchoka has 983 pupils in total who are in classes 1-8.

Classes have pupils as follows:

Class 1:  210 Boys, 282 Girls.

Class 2:  88 Boys, 93 Girls.

Class 3:  30 Boys, 42 Girls.

Class 4:  45 Boys, 48 Girls.

Class 5:  23 Boys, 18 Girls.

Class 6:  20 Boys, 15 Girls.

Class 7:  22 Boys, 13 Girls.

Class 8:  24 Boys, 10 Girls.


The age range of the school is 6-16 because some children start going to school late or are repeating classes if they fail the end of year tests. However, this factor doesn’t disturb education system in Malawi.  Primary education in Malawi is free but not compulsory; the drop out rate of the school is also high as you can see from the data form, enrolment declines sharply as we go into the senior classes especially for girls. There are several reasons that contribute to this like long distances children have to walk to school, overcrowding in classes and high pupil teacher ratio among others.

Mchoka School serves a distance of about 3 km in radius.

Like any other school in Malawi, Mchoka teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, and General Studies. In classes 4 and above pupils begin to learn life skills this mostly concerns HIV/ AIDS, Agriculture, Science, Home Economics, Creative arts.


As a school, we want to be involved in the link so that we can learn from our friends in the UK especially in the developed countries. The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK. Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Kambwiri Full Primary School is 7 km away from Salima town in central Malawi.

The school was established by the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian.

The school management comprises the Staff, School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then the District Education Manager. The school however is a run by government despite being established by the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian.

Kambwiri School has 1006 pupils in total who are in classes 1-8 distributed as follows:

Class 1:  100 Boys, 97 Girls.

Class 2:  92 Boys, 68 Girls.

Class 3:  90 Boys, 92 Girls.

Class 4:  80 Boys, 71 Girls.

Class 5:  50 Boys, 48 Girls.

Class 6:  41 Boys, 39 Girls.

Class 7:  42 Boys, 45 Girls.

Class 8:  30 Boys, 21 Girls.


The age range of the school is 5-19 years because some children start going to school late or repeat classes if they fail the end of year tests. Although Primary education in Malawi is free it is not compulsory. The drop out rate of the school becomes high as you can see from above, enrolment declines sharply as we go into the senior classes especially for girls. There are several reasons that contribute to high drop out rate like long distances children have to walk to school, overcrowding in classes and high pupil teacher ratio among others. Kambwiri School serves a distance of about 5 km in radius.

Like any other school in Malawi, Kambwiri teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, and General Studies.


Sitting:  Talandira M Mazengera, Jenipher E Gondwe, Patricia Banga,

2nd Row:  Salome Chilunga, Martha Batinosi, Kiliness T Kalonga, Elube Mkweza, Grace Mpamila, Chimwemwe Lende, Mc Lawrence Kashoni

3rd Row:   Magret Mankhwazi, William Nthala, Kalirani Genasi (Head Teacher), Jack Phiri, Simeon Chamama, Carlos Zathamthumba

The school has 21 teachers, 12 female teachers and 9 male teachers.

Kambwiri School hopes to improve educational standards by learning more teaching techniques. The school further hopes to have a library and some sporting activities which will help to keep the pupils active in school.

As a school, we want to be involved in the link so that we can learn from our friends in the UK especially in the developed countries. The link will greatly assist children to learn about other lands and cultures. Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Mtiya 1

Mtiya LEA Primary School is 33 km away from Salima District Township and 2km away from Lake Malawi.

The school was established under the request from the chiefs in 1997.The school management consists of the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then to the District Education Manager. The school is run by governmental school despite being established by the local people hence.

Mtiya School has 673 pupils in total who are in classes 1-8.

Classes have pupils as follows:    

Class 1:  191 Boys, 102 Girls.

Class 2:  89 Boys, 46 Girls.

Class 3:  78 Boys, 34  Girls.

Class 4:  37 Boys, 43 Girls.

Class 5:  28 Boys, 37 Girls.

Class 6:  26 Boys, 18 Girls.

Class 7:  28 Boys, 17 Girls.

Class 8:  28 Boys, 29 Girls.

The age range of the school is 6-19 because some children start going to school late or are repeat classes if they fail the end of year tests. Although Primary education in Malawi is free but not compulsory, the school drop out rate also high as you can see on the enrolment from. Enrolment declines sharply as we go into the senior classes especially for girls. There are several reasons that contribute to this like long distances children have to walk to school, overcrowding in classes and high pupil teacher ratio among others.

Mtiya School serves a distance of about 3.5 km in radius.

Mtiya 2

Like any other school in Malawi, Mtiya School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, and General Studies. In classes 4 and above pupils begin to learn life skills this mostly concerns HIV/ AIDS, Agriculture, Science, Home Economics, Creative arts. Most teaching is in Chichewa since children can not understand English well in standard 1-4. However, children may be capable to speak English as one reaches 5-8 i.e. in their senior primary classes.

Mtiya 3

The school has 6 teachers, 2 female teachers and 4 male teachers.

As a school, we want to be involved in the link so that we can learn from our friends in the UK especially in the developed countries. The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK. Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.



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Mtiya LEA Primary School is 33 km away from Salima District Township and 2km away from Lake Malawi.

Thavite Primary School is 43 km away from Salima District town centre. The school was established under the Roman Catholic Church in 1968.

The school has 22 teachers of which 9 are female teachers. However three are qualified while 6 are trainee teachers.


The school management comprises of the Staff, School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then to the District Education Manager. The school is however managed by the government despite being established by Catholic Church.


Thavite has 1026 pupils in total who are in classes 1-8. 504 are boys and 522 are girls.

The age range of the school is 6-20 because, some children start going to school late or are repeating classes if they fail the end of year tests. Although primary education in Malawi is free it is not compulsory, the pupil drop out rate is high especially for girls. There are several reasons that contribute to this like long distances children have to walk to school, overcrowding in classes and high pupil teacher ratio among others. Besides this, the community is in a typical village where some parents do not encourage their children/wards to go to school. The school is near a market where some of the children sale items for their parents during school time leading to dropouts.

Thavite School serves a distance of about 4 km in radius and all children come from the village. The majority walks to school while a few others cycle to school. A few teachers live in school campus while the rest commute to school.


Like any other school in Malawi, Thavite teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, Primary Science, Creative Arts and Social and Environmental Studies. In classes 4 and above pupils begin to learn life skills, Agriculture, Science, Home Economics, Creative arts.

Thavite would like to learn more from a school abroad through sharing the curriculum work, sharing news and events.

The partnership will greatly assist children to learn about different culture as well as curriculum. Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Chipoka 2 L.E.A. Primary School is 32 km away from Salima District Township and 500 yards away from Lake Malawi.

The school was established in 2000 under Roman Catholic. Children used to walk long distances to find a school in the area before this was established.

The school management consists of the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then to the District Education Manager. The school however is now run by the governmental despite being established by the Roman Catholic Church.

Chipoka 2 School has 729 pupils in total who are in classes 1-6 only.

Classes have pupils as follows:    

Class 1:  138 Boys, 176 Girls.

Class 2:  54 Boys, 45 Girls.

Class 3:  45 Boys, 52 Girls.

Class 4:  39 Boys, 50 Girls.

Class 5:  30 Boys, 30 Girls.

Class 6:  35 Boys, 35 Girls.

The age range of the school is 6-17 because some children start going to school late or are repeat classes if they fail the end of year tests. Primary education in Malawi is free but not compulsory; the school drop out rate of the school is also high as you can see from the data form, enrolment declines sharply as we go into the senior classes especially for girls. There are several reasons that contribute to this like long distances children have to walk to school, overcrowding in classes and high pupil teacher ratio among others.

Chipoka 2 School serves a distance of about 2 km in radius.


Like any other school in Malawi, Chipoka 2 School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, and General Studies. In classes 4 and above pupils begin to learn life skills this mostly concerns HIV/ AIDS, Agriculture, Science, Home Economics, Creative arts. Most teaching is in Chichewa since children can not understand English well in standard 1-4. However, children may be capable to speak English as one reaches 5-8 i.e. in their senior primary classes.

Chipoka LEA School has a dream to have adequate classes and a library as well in order to offer quality education to the pupils.


The school has 7 teachers, 5 female teachers and 2 male teachers.

As a school, we want to be involved in the link so that we can learn from our friends in the UK especially in the developed countries. The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK. Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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Chimweta Model Primary School was established in the year 2000 as a model school around the Salima District. As a model school, Chimweta has been having very good results over the years such that learners surrounding the school and nearby places have been coming to attend school. This resulted in having large numbers in school.

The school has 1782 learners. Among these learners, 918 are girls and 864 boys. Chimweta’s age range is 6-14 years.

Subjects taught in school are English, Maths, Bible Knowledge, Religious Education, Social Studies, Primary science, Agriculture,

He was transferred to this school following underperformance of the model school in the previous two years. Mr Bakali’s new role in school is to make sure that the school produces results that are convincing as a model school. He came from a school that was performing badly. When Starfish started to build classrooms, teachers’ houses and introducing a feeding programme, the school’s performance improved greatly. A few years later Mr Bakali was appointed head of the head teachers in the zone.

Among other duties, he supervises the teachers as assessing the performance of the learners. He further teaches some of the subjects as Maths and Primary Science

Chimweta school has 24 qualified teachers of which 8 are male teachers one of the teachers is Mrs Mahwayo who is teaching standard 2.

Subjects taught in school are English, Maths, Bible Knowledge, Religious Education, Social Studies, Primary science, Agriculture, Expressive Arts among others.

Among others the school will be engaging in harvesting rain water which will be used to watering the school garden as an eco-project as well as teaching learners where food comes from especially children who are coming from families that do not have fields.

Furthermore the school has an orchard that they would like to introduce composting in their lessons of Agriculture.

The school hopes to learn from the UK school on similar projects and share the curriculum


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Chipili Staffroom
Chipili Staffroom

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Head Teacher: Mr Magamula Botha.

Total number of pupils: 199 Boys & 224 Girls (423).

Age range of school: 5-16.

Class enrolment:

Standard 1:  46 Boys, 68 Girls.

Standard 2:  30 Boys, 41 Girls.

Standard 3:  32 Boys, 30 Girls.

Standard 4:  30 Boys, 26 Girls.

Standard 5:  18 Boys, 28 Girls.

Standard 6:  22 Boys, 8 Girls.

Standard 7:  11 Boys, 13 Girls.

Standard 8:  10 Boys, 12 Girls.


The school is in a located in the northern part of Kasungu district in Malawi. It is a government school but with a local school management committee that assists the Headteacher on the day to day running of the school. The whole school management structure consists of the School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then on professional matters the Head teacher reports to the District Education Manager.

Like any other primary school in Malawi, Thasa School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, General Studies, Agriculture Home economics and Science.

A normal school Day starts quite early and is as follows:

Pupils clean their classrooms and the surroundings

07:00 - 07:30  Lessons start

09:15 - 09:25  Break

09:25 - 11:10  Lessons

11:10 - 11:20  Break

11:20 - 13:05  Lessons end

14:30 - 15:00  Extra curriculum activities (playing football, athletics) after which children go home. 

*Extra curricular activities take place once or twice a week.

The School hopes that the link to a UK school will:

  • Enable the sharing of experiences about education between linked schools
  • The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK.
  • Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

The Teacher’s names in picture above are: Mr. Magumula Bota (Head Teacher),Mr. Nebart Mataya, Mr. Mc Darrington Nkhoma, Mr. Alex Ng’ambi and Mrs. Benardetta Zindo.

Newsletters from the UK:


Thank you letter to Thasa

January 2015 Thasa letter

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Kaputu Local Education Authority Primary School is 4km away from Salima District Assembly and 21km from Lake Malawi.

The school was established under the request from the chiefs in 1975. The school management starts from the Staff, School Committee, PTA (Parents Teachers Association) then to the District Education Manager. The school however is a governmental school despite being established by the local people hence called Local Education Authority (LEA).

The school has been tremendously developed by Starfish UK-Malawi project. Starfish built on the school 4 classroom blocks, an administration block, 3 teachers’ houses, five double toilets, feeding every child a meal during schooling days, shipping tables and chairs from the UK, providing clothes as well as providing scholarship for the best 10 pupils every year. With all these remarkable tasks, Starfish has changed the motives of children in the community to a schooling life. Children used drop out school in such large numbers. The school had an enrolment ofaround five hundred before Starfish. As of now children are flocking to the school and even those from the nearby schools.

Kaputu is one of the best schools in Salima. Currently there’s a great competition in classes due to provision of scholarships to secondary schools.

Kaputu School has 1155 pupils in total who are in classes 1-8.

Classes have pupils as follows:

Class 1:  100 Boys, 92 Girls.

Class 2:  107 Boys, 110 Girls.

Class 3:  100 Boys, 99 Girls.

Class 4:  76 Boys, 70 Girls.

Class 5:  99 Boys, 81 Girls.

Class 6:  52 Boys, 55 Girls. 

Class 7:  35 Boys, 21 Girls.

Class 8:  42 Boys, 17 Girls.

The age range of the school is 6-16 because some children start going to school late or are repeating classes if they fail the end of year tests. However, this factor doesn’t disturb education system in Malawi. Although Primary education in Malawi is free but not compulsory, the school drop out rate of the school is also high as you can see from the data form, enrolment declines sharply as we go into the senior classes especially for girls. There are several reasons that contribute to this like long distances children have to walk to school, overcrowding in classes and high pupil teacher ratio among others.

Kaputu School serves a distance of about 3 km in radius.


Like any other school in Malawi, Kaputu School teaches subjects like, English, Maths, Religious Education, and General Studies. In classes 4 and above pupils begin to learn life skills this mostly concerns HIV/ AIDS, Agriculture, Science, Home Economics, Creative arts. Most explanatory is in Chichewa since children can not understand English well in standard 1-4. However, children may be capable to speak English as one reaches 6-8 i.e. in their senior primary classes.


The school has 23 teachers, 19 female teacher and 4 male teachers.

Kaputu has a girl guide and is looking to correspond with other girls around the world.

As a school, we want to be involved in the link so that we can learn from our friends in the UK especially in the developed countries. The link will greatly assist children to work hard so that they can be as their colleagues in the UK. Teachers will also be able to enhance their professional skills through dialogue and interaction with fellow teachers in the UK.

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