Starfish TV -

Video Resources

Video Resources

Through Schools Linking we aim to engage your curiosity regarding global issues effecting children in the UK and Malawi whilst also supporting joint curriculum projects.

We hope these carefully selected videos will answer a few other questions you might have about life in Malawi.

Opening a window into another culture is a great way for us all to get along, as such we hope you enjoy watching and learning more about our world in motion...

Starfish TV -Curriculum Mapping Videos


Activity A & B - Domestic and Wild Animals.


Activity C - Water


Activity D - Litter


Activity E - Food in the UK and Malawi.


Activity F - Where does our food come from?

Activity H - Health and Sanitation.


YouTube Videos

Please note, access to YouTube is highly likely to be restricted in most educational institutions in the UK. This is due to each school's individual internet browser safety settings.

The videos here may not be playable in the classroom, however they do provide an excellent source of information regarding life in Malawi and are well worth viewing as a further source of research material.


WaterAid - Agnes' Story

Lake Malawi

Cooking Malawi Style

Airlifting lions from South Africa to a new life in Malawi

Outreach healthcare in Malawi

Growing up in Malawi – Roger Federer Foundation – Part 1 Documentary Series

Growing up in Malawi – part 2 Documentary Series

Growing up in Malawi – part 3 Documentary Series